
Thursday, September 27 2012

RFC Ignorant
[22:26:20] matt []/Trip RFC Ignorant, a real-time blacklist clearinghouse for domains which feel they don't need to be good citizens on the Internet in order to operate eMail, has decided to quit the game. has been providing a black list service for domains who though they were too good to to accept mail from other users on the Ineternet for some time now, so it seemed natural to expand and start accepting requests for the lists formerly run by RFC Ignorant. To ease transition, we've imported the final zone files from RFC Ignorant, and they can now be queried directly by removing the hyphen from the old domains, e.g. now becomes; although for future use I'd ask that you use the domain rather than, as we don't have any directly relation with the old service other than serving the same purpose they previously did.