Saturday, May 3 2014
matt []/Merch
Despite waiting on the tarmac for 22 minutes, apparently anyone transferring in PHL from BOS didn't get to retrieve bags at the other end.
Friday, March 30 2012
H&R Block redux
[15:55:56] matt []/Trip Despite importing previous-years returns, H&R Block as again decided to neither register that I'm repaying a first-time homeowners credit nor provide me with a visible way of indicating that I should repay it. Fortunately the IRS is actually very understanding in this regard and didn't charge me extra for fixing the discrepancy before returning my money.
[15:55:56] matt []/Trip Despite importing previous-years returns, H&R Block as again decided to neither register that I'm repaying a first-time homeowners credit nor provide me with a visible way of indicating that I should repay it. Fortunately the IRS is actually very understanding in this regard and didn't charge me extra for fixing the discrepancy before returning my money.
Saturday, February 4 2012
matt []/Psi.generay
Finally figured out how to configure SIP on Symbian^3 based phones. Despite registering a SIP profile, the phone wouldn't recognize it as valid. The secret sauce was a SIS that needed to be installed:
Tuesday, December 21 2010
matt []/Merch
Playing around with the Yelp! app for the Apple iPad (released yesterday), it's similar to the application TripAdvisor (my daytime employer, although I'm speaking for myself here) released on Friday. Despite the similarities, there are some differences when you start using them. Navigation in ours is much smoother in my opinion (you can scroll the map pane and both the list view and icons on the map auto-update; with the Yelp! app, you have to keep hitting buttons to do this). The Yelp! app has an entirely native-widget UI, where-as we were able to utilize our current mobile web site to power a hybrid shell; our map widget is native, but we've endeavoured to re-use existing infrastructure wherever possible.