Saturday, October 27 2018
matt []/benito
Apparently, Mobile Safari on the latest iOS has a completely broken datetime-local input type. It thinks all values are not valid dates once selected
Thursday, February 21 2013
IPv6 on Mobile
[03:40:59] matt []/Psi.generay T-Mobile supports native IPv6; I played around with it a bit on my N900 during their open beta phase. It's now mainstream, and rolled into their standard APN which anybody who's signed-up for an account in the last six years or so would probably be on (apparently some of my phones are still on the old Voicestream APNs which have at least recently still worked). According to them, only certain Android phones still work (half of them are Nexus brands). All recent Nokia phones (S40, Symbian) dating about at least five years should work fine too, the S40 phone I had has an option for it but I seem to recall it didn't work during the beta phase, and Nokia didn't want to support it.
Nokia Belle (S60) on the other hand was as easy as selecting "Advanced Options" from the network definition (when not connected) and changing the type from "IPv4" to "IPv6"; everything works from that point on. Well, except the native SIP client which wouldn't connect anymore (to my IPv4 server) and my J2ME Jabber client which wouldn't connect to (or resolve, I'm not sure which) the server. All synchronization, Opera Mobile, and in-built eMail worked fine; but the SIP client is a deal breaker.
[03:40:59] matt []/Psi.generay T-Mobile supports native IPv6; I played around with it a bit on my N900 during their open beta phase. It's now mainstream, and rolled into their standard APN which anybody who's signed-up for an account in the last six years or so would probably be on (apparently some of my phones are still on the old Voicestream APNs which have at least recently still worked). According to them, only certain Android phones still work (half of them are Nexus brands). All recent Nokia phones (S40, Symbian) dating about at least five years should work fine too, the S40 phone I had has an option for it but I seem to recall it didn't work during the beta phase, and Nokia didn't want to support it.
Nokia Belle (S60) on the other hand was as easy as selecting "Advanced Options" from the network definition (when not connected) and changing the type from "IPv4" to "IPv6"; everything works from that point on. Well, except the native SIP client which wouldn't connect anymore (to my IPv4 server) and my J2ME Jabber client which wouldn't connect to (or resolve, I'm not sure which) the server. All synchronization, Opera Mobile, and in-built eMail worked fine; but the SIP client is a deal breaker.
Wednesday, February 1 2012
Cause and Effect: T-Mobile USA and AT&T
[04:55:31] matt []/Psi.generay a) AT&T makes a bit for T-Mobile USA
b) T-Mobile hides, and then removes their no-contract monthly plans
c) AT&T's bid falls through after concerns about competition
d) T-Mobile now has monthly non-contract "Value Plans" available on their Web site.
[04:55:31] matt []/Psi.generay a) AT&T makes a bit for T-Mobile USA
b) T-Mobile hides, and then removes their no-contract monthly plans
c) AT&T's bid falls through after concerns about competition
d) T-Mobile now has monthly non-contract "Value Plans" available on their Web site.
matt []/Psi.generay
Apparently I was wrong, and the "value plans" are contracted, but priced similarly to the Even More Plus ("EM+") plans. Something that I learned about the EM+ plans is that apparently most people got them while financing a phone from T-Mobile, where the consumer would put down a subsidized price and then pay off the remainder in monthly increments. This is the part that was exploited to the point that T-Mobile needed to cancel the plan.
matt []/Psi.generay
The whole thing sounds odd, and it sounds as if T-Mobile were trying to find a way of having a non-contract plan while still tying the consumer to T-Mobile via the monthly payments on the phone. The whole thing sounds more complicated than just having a non-contract plan divorced entirely of the phone provision.
Sunday, September 4 2011
matt []/Merch
SIP over T-Mobile-USA is fairly good; over Comcast, it's unusable.
Friday, August 19 2011
matt []/Merch
The latest Firefox Mobile (on Maemo) seems even less stable than previous versions.
Tuesday, April 19 2011
matt []/Psi.dementia
Not a big fan of Panera, despite the fact that it's being used as our new Mobile office.
Thursday, March 24 2011
matt []/Psi.dementia
AT&T, formerly Southern Bell Corp, formerly part of AT&T wants to buy T-Mobile USA.
Sunday, February 20 2011
matt []/Merch
I'm done playing with T-Mobile's IPv6 APN for a while. The 3G IPv6 deb seems to cause problems switching from mobile data to WiFi.
Thursday, February 3 2011
matt []/Merch
Oddly, I just recieived a message from T-Mobile US saying my phone wasn't configured for Internet access. If you're reading this message it was wrong.