Tuesday, March 29 2011
matt []/Merch
My biggest carp about the Nokia 3710 fold is how difficult it is to remove the backplate.
matt []/mobile
Overall, the physical design of the Nokia E7-00 is exceptional. The keyboard is fantastic compared to the competition and the screen is quite nice. The sliding screen makes it easier to hold than the Nokia N900 when I am typing.
matt []/mobile
However, despite some additional polish to the UI--which is significantly improved upon Nokia's first touch interfaces and those of th N97--it still lacks the feeling that is present in newer platforms like Android and Maemo.
matt []/mobile
Nokia had a couple of very good foundations upon which to build, but never concerned itself with the rest of the metaphorical edificaces.
matt []/mobile
Usability carp for Nokia E7-00: trying to swipe homescreens is difficult with a maximal (six) widgets because (at least some) widgets seem to prevent the swiping motion if they get hit.