
Monday, June 8 2015

[19:24:13] matt [wronka.org]/Trip I ordered a replacement HDD from NewEgg as they indicated it'd be arriving today. It looks like earliest will be tomorrow, which is no different than B&H (other than B&H having customer service). I'm disappointed in the misleading ETA from NewEgg.

Saturday, June 18 2011

[14:06:19] matt [wronka.org]/Psi.generay Apparently the Samsung Series 5 Chromebook doesn't boot from larger USB devices, meaning it wouldn't flash from the 40GB HDD I tried. Using a HD-SD card worked.

Wednesday, June 8 2011

[22:57:56] matt [wronka.org]/Psi.generay For those who haven't looked at the iFixit document, there isn't any easy way of connecting a 2.5" HDD.